Friday, July 12, 2013

Nurse Practitioners See Rise in Full-time Salary Rates

Since the beginning of the decade nurse practitioners have earned an increased salary every year. Experts say that the reasoning for this is that people are recognizing the value of nurse practitioners. Depending on their location and their skill NPs can earn as much reimbursement as a physician. Employers are understanding the value of nurse practitioners and are thus willing to pay them more. 

An online survey found out that NPs were earning $90,770 compared to $89,579 from two years ago. Nurse practitioners working in emergency situations made the most at $104,549. Nurse Practitioners working in cardiology earned the biggest change in income, 11.9 percent increase, from $90,195 to $100,881. Interestingly male NPs earned 12.8 percent more than females. 

In 2011 listed the average income of NPs at $90,000 and trending upwards.

Marsha Siegel, former president of the American College of Nurse Practitioners says that even though there is a significant pay increase, the responsibilities and requirements are much more advanced than an RN. She notes that the life of a NP is not for everyone but at the same time it is very rewarding.

For more information and the full article follow the link provided.

Written by Brandon Kassof

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