Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nutrition and Congestive Heart Failure

The NP Associates Newsletter for March contains an informative article about Congestive Heart Failure and how proper nutrition can stave off any possible effects of heart problems. According to Gail C. Frank, DrPH, RD, CHES, author of the article, ten percent of the United States population suffers from congestive heart failure. As people age this percentage increases within their age group. Obviously our job as NPs includes reducing the cardiac workload and swelling and improving heart functions. The article poses some easy management strategies to help your CHF patients.

Reduce Sodium: As you know, too much sodium can raise blood pressure. CHF patients should only consume .5 to 1.5 grams of sodium a day. .5 grams is all that is needed per day for normal body functions. An easy way to ween CHFs off of a high sodium diet is by slowing going in stages. As the normal American average is between 7 and 10 grams a day, you can slowly cut their sodium intake in half. Go from 10 grams to 5 grams, from 5 grams to 3 grams and from 3 grams to 1.5 grams. Encourage your CHFs to actively seek out low sodium alternatives.

Reduce Alcohol: Alcohol increases hypertension by up 10% in males. By staying away from alcohol a previous drinker can have his blood pressure reduced to that of a non drinker. Alcohol is absorbed through the gastrointestinal track and is then feed to all body tissues and organs. High fat foods and proteins can slow the absorption of alcohol while the carbon dioxide in champagne, sparkling wines, beer and carbonated mixed drinks accelerate the absorption of alcohol. The truth is that your CHF should not be consuming alcohol. It contains empty calories which hold no nutritional value, ethyl alcohol which is toxic, and stresses out the liver.

Adjust Calories: Obesity is no friend to a CHF. It is important that your CHF is eating the correct amount of calories for their body type. 

Exercise: According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute, exercising 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes is necessary for a healthy living. As a NP you should confirm that your CHFs are getting the correct amount of exercise each week to keep them in a healthy state.
For more information and the full article follow the link provided.
Written By: Brandon Kassof

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