Thursday, April 18, 2013

10 Common Time Management Mistakes

The NP Associates newsletter for January contains a very interesting article about proper time management and how to avoid several time management mistakes. The key to proper time management is to make sure you are taking the correct steps necessary to become effective. This article list ten mistakes and how to easily overcome them.

Mistake #1. Failing to Keep a To-Do List: To make sure that you stay on task when working on a project it is mandatory that you create and keep a to-do list. The secret to the to-do list is that it is not enough to just have it, you need to manage it. It is important to detail each part of the to-do list so that you understand what each task entails. It is also important to prioritize each aspect of the to-do list. This is very important overall in time management to make sure you are optimizing every single aspect of whatever time you have designated for the given project.

Mistake #2. Not Setting Personal Goals: It is important to always set goals so that you have something to work towards. With out proper goals the threat of slacking off is omnipresent. By setting and understanding your goals you decide what the priorities are for your projects and you can then effectively plot your time.

Mistake #3. Not Prioritizing: When presented with multiple problems and projects at once it is important that you prioritize them so that they get the correct amount of your time. A good tip is to create cretirea for all of the information that is presented to you. If it meets a certain criteria than it is labeled urgent and should be dealt with before other projects get worked on. Proper time management allows you to always have time for each project and problem if you make sure that each one get dealt with at the proper time.

Mistake #4. Failing to Manage Distractions: When working efficiently you get into a groove and you enter the prime state to finish projects. When you allow distractions into your mind it brings you out of the groove and your productivity is reduced. It is very hard to return to the groove once you lose it. All of these things negatively impact your time management. Different people get distracted from different levels of stimuli. Some people only need to log out of Facebook where as other people need to be in an isolated room. The key is to reduce whatever distracts you so that you can focus on your task at hand.

Mistake #5. Procrastination: Procrastination develops when you have a lack of desire to complete the task assigned to you. You keep holding off on working on the project because of your lack of motivation. If you break up each task of the project into bite sized portions then the uninteresting project seems more manageable.

Mistake #6. Taking on too Much: You should never take on more projects than you can handle. You also need to leave room for any problem or emergency that my develop spontaneously. You need to be able to focus the correct amount of time that each task requires to ensure that the highest level of effort is put into each project. You never want to spread yourself to thin.

Mistake #7. Thriving on "busy": It is never a good thing to be working to the last minute and racing deadlines. There are no time management tools and tricks available to you if you cram everything in at the end.

Mistake #8. Multitasking: While multitasking seems like a good idea, it is impossible to give each task the correct amount of time they need. When you split your concentration each task only gets a small percentage of the total concentration and effort that the project needs to be completed to the best of your ability. You need to give each task the proper amount of time and utilization of your time management skills.

Mistake #9. Not Taking Breaks: The secret to taking breaks is to give your mind some downtime so it can stretch and develop new ideas for the next task ahead. Your break should only be a couple of minutes and should always involve you steeping away from your work center to walk around for a bit and to contemplate the work that you have just performed to check for mistakes you might have missed while in the groove.

Mistake #10. Ineffectively Scheduling Tasks: There are times during the day when you are most productive and when you are less productive. You need to schedule your higher level work during the times of the day when you are most productive and the lower level and easier work turning the times of day when you are less productive.

By following and implementing these techniques into your time management skills you will produce more effective work while also not stressing out over time or energy.

For more information and the full article follow the link provided.
Written by Brandon Kassof

Heart Failure Treatment Choices

The NP Associates newsletter for February contains an informative article on Heart Failure and on possible treatments for the condition. According to Jennifer Cervino, MHS, PA-C, the author of the article 5 million people in the United States have heart failure and 550,000 will be diagnosed with HF this year alone. HF accounts for 15 million office visits and 6.5 million hospital visits each year for patients 65 and over. Hypervolemia is the contributing factor to HF. This leads to high re-hospitalization rates and increased health care costs. Diuretic drugs are the normal component of treatment plans. While the diuretics work at controlling the congestive systems, adaptations and resistances to the drugs normally develop as the disease progresses. In light of this, new therapies are being developed to better treat HF patients. One just technique is mechanical ultrafiltration or UF.

Ultrafiltration and Diuretics: Mechanical ultrafiltration has been used for more than 50 years in patients with end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis. Only within the last 25 years has UF been used and considered for HF patients who are diuretic resistant. During ultrafiltration, often called aquapheresis, blood is withdrawn from a patient with volume overload and then passed through semipermeable membrane (a hemofilter). The filter removes all the excess salt and water and then returns the blood back to the patient. UF can remove as much as 500 mL of fluid per hour. Because the extracellular fluid being removed is isotonic with the blood, serum electrolyte balance is maintained as sodium is removed.

Diuretics: Benefits, Limitations: Despite this data, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association still use diuretics as the diagnosis of choice for HF patients. Diuretics are the cheaper and more readily available form of treatment for HF. There are obvious downsides to diuretics as well. Their use can actually do more harm than good if the proper care to replace key nutrients such as potassium to the body is not noted. Patients can see an increase of fluid retention which would complicated their HF problems. This problems seemed tied to  worsening renal function, prolonged length of hospital stay and increased long-term morbidity and mortality in addition to the other problems associated with HF and the use of diuretics.

Ultrafiltration: An Alternative?: The Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry performed a study that looked at patients that have been hospitalized for HF and discovered that their treatments of diuretics was not solving the problem. Following that study, trials for UF have been performed. The RAPID-CHF trial showed that after 24 hours significant advances had been made to patients with decompensated HF and diuretic resistance. They had better results at a shorter interval then their normally prescribed diuretic therapy. The UNLOAD trial also concluded with results that reflected a safe and more effective way of fighting HF with the use of UF.

Questions Remain: As the use of UF is still relatively new in the field of HF and diuretic resistance patients there are still parts of UF therapy that is unknown. In addition the knowledge and understanding of UF is still not part of the main stream HF solution. One of the major inhibitors is the economic factors associated with using UF to treat HF.

For more information and the full article follow the link provided.
Written by Brandon Kassof

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nutrition and Congestive Heart Failure

The NP Associates Newsletter for March contains an informative article about Congestive Heart Failure and how proper nutrition can stave off any possible effects of heart problems. According to Gail C. Frank, DrPH, RD, CHES, author of the article, ten percent of the United States population suffers from congestive heart failure. As people age this percentage increases within their age group. Obviously our job as NPs includes reducing the cardiac workload and swelling and improving heart functions. The article poses some easy management strategies to help your CHF patients.

Reduce Sodium: As you know, too much sodium can raise blood pressure. CHF patients should only consume .5 to 1.5 grams of sodium a day. .5 grams is all that is needed per day for normal body functions. An easy way to ween CHFs off of a high sodium diet is by slowing going in stages. As the normal American average is between 7 and 10 grams a day, you can slowly cut their sodium intake in half. Go from 10 grams to 5 grams, from 5 grams to 3 grams and from 3 grams to 1.5 grams. Encourage your CHFs to actively seek out low sodium alternatives.

Reduce Alcohol: Alcohol increases hypertension by up 10% in males. By staying away from alcohol a previous drinker can have his blood pressure reduced to that of a non drinker. Alcohol is absorbed through the gastrointestinal track and is then feed to all body tissues and organs. High fat foods and proteins can slow the absorption of alcohol while the carbon dioxide in champagne, sparkling wines, beer and carbonated mixed drinks accelerate the absorption of alcohol. The truth is that your CHF should not be consuming alcohol. It contains empty calories which hold no nutritional value, ethyl alcohol which is toxic, and stresses out the liver.

Adjust Calories: Obesity is no friend to a CHF. It is important that your CHF is eating the correct amount of calories for their body type. 

Exercise: According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute, exercising 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes is necessary for a healthy living. As a NP you should confirm that your CHFs are getting the correct amount of exercise each week to keep them in a healthy state.
For more information and the full article follow the link provided.
Written By: Brandon Kassof